The Professional Minotaur
Work life used to be pretty straightforward albeit somewhat predictable. You got up, rallied the kids by whatever means possible, got them out the door (fed if possible but hey nobody is perfect) and made your way to the office (coffee). Maybe one day you were sick and you were forced to stay home and you had to work off your laptop in bed and you cursed the fact that you didn’t have your efficient work setup, necessary to be as productive as possible even with a fever (oh just me, never-mind then). And then March 2020 happened and the reality of the new work-from-home situation started setting in. I won’t lie, I hated it at first.
See, I love people, I’m that colleague that swings by your desk unannounced to chat about something to get your thoughts. But that spontaneous vibe somehow doesn’t really work well in Teams. Trust me, I’ve tried video calling people randomly, it just doesn’t have the same, ahem… effect. It feels more intrusive in a way because I could literally be barging into your pyjama time if you weren’t expecting a video call (learning = always message first). But then, over time, I got into it. I finally allowed myself to lean into the flexibility of what working from home had to offer.
I retired my high heels, and started sporting what I like to call the Professional Minotaur look (blouse on top, lululemons on the bottom). Lipstick makes the occasional…